Your songwriting will blossom when armed with chord theory mastery.

Talk about chops! Comprehend the key structure like never before.

Instantly transpose any progression into each and every key.  Easily

Take complexity out of learning your invaluable chord theory.

Transposing With The Chord Wheel

Transposing "Let It Be"

By turning the transparent disk to another key, let's use Bb (most tenor saxophonists' favorite key), we can now translate the Roman Numerals into their respective chords for the selected key. If it sounds ridiculously easy, then you get the idea. Still let's go through it to stay on the same page.

The first half of the verse is I, IV, vi and IV. With the 'KEY – I Chord' box's arrow centered upon the 'Bb,' you can read from the disk that the 'I Chord' is 'Bb' and the 'IV Chord' is 'Eb.' In the same manner vi and IV are Gm and Eb respectively while the I, V, IV, I section is translated as Bb, F, Eb, Bb.

Analyzing "Let It Be" Further

What can be said about the compositional style of 'Let It Be' and its composer (some guy named McCartney)? The Verse begins with the 'I Major' (a safe place to start) and moves quickly to the V'.' From there we move a little farther away from the tonic by heading to the 'vi' then back a little closer with the 'IV.' Now the second part of the verse begins with the identical 'I' to 'V' movement but instead of following the pattern set earlier, the song moves immediately to the 'IV' and finishes back on the 'I'.

Starting and finishing the second part of the verse with the 'I Chord' lends the song a strong sense of center and provides a perfect launching point for the chorus to take us somewhere else. The chorus's pair of initial minor chords (the 'vi' and 'iii') are less straightforward and common and provide the sense of space we were looking for and last couple of measures simply echo the closing of the verse and return to the song to where we began. Take special note of the back-to-back measures of the C chord as a transition between the two chorus parts. What else but the tonic begs for such a use?

A final note on 'Let It Be.' As you certainly realize, not every song written utilizes chords from but one key. Just don't become convinced that the more complex a song is the better it is. You'll be amazed how many enormously memorable songs are in a single key including practically the entire catalog of songwriting legends such as Bob Dylan, etc. When the chords of a song or notes of a chord fit perfectly into a single key, they are said to be diatonic. The more fancy words you memorize, the smarter you'll sound.
